CTC project starts at Hungarian rail lines 120a and 40

Our Railway Automation Division has started to set up Central Traffic Control Centers at rail lines Rákos-Újszász (120a line) and Pusztaszabolcs-Dombóvár (40 line).


Prolan Zrt. at the InnoRail exhibition

We presented our company's latest rail developments at the InnoRail 2017 exhibition.


InnoRail 2017

PROLAN Zrt. is participating in the 3rd InnoRail Budapest Railway Conference, which held on October 10-12, 2017.


Hello fellow, I let the train depart!

Prolan has donated its Elpult system to Children’s Railway in Budapest. Children on duty have discovered and learnt the use of our system highly motivated and suprisingly quick.


Closing of GYSEV CTC project

The railway project of PROLAN has been the biggest professional success of the project, the realization of GYSEV NagyKÖFI. In a project, a GYSEV, about 420 line meters, all 47 rail stations and several s...


InnoTrans 2016

We hold live ProSigma demonstration, impressive CTC and CTS molino, and Locomotive On-board Computer demo on InnoTrans 2016 InnoTrans booth. PROLAN has become a regular exhibitor of InnoTrans, which is one of the largest stock exchanges in the international rail industry.
