Community building

Our company not only supports the participation of colleagues in team building programs, taking part in community building activities is also important for us.


Presentation at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology

We presented about the digitalization of the railways at the EIT event in Budapest.


ProlanFest #3

For the third time, our company is organizing the ProlanFest, our professional open day.


The 66th Summit of MEE

We have been participating as an exhibitor at the MEE’s Summit this year too. The 66th Summit will be held from the 18th to the 20th of September at Kölcsey Center in Debrecen.


Prolan National Gymnastics Championship 2019

Prolan National Gymnastics Championship for women and men was organized.
Congratulations on the achieved results!


Internship at Prolan

We are proud of the fact that this year more engineering students spend their internship at our company.
