20th anniversary of Prolan Electronics Factory

Our production plant is the successor of the electronics assembly plant of the over 100-year-old telephone factory in Budapest, acquired in 2003 and integrated into the Prolan Group as Prolan Elektronikai Gyár Kft. Our Group's mass-produced products are manufactured here, along with electronic components for small-scale, safety-critical appliances.


We received recognition award at the KTE's Ceremony

It was our PRORIS product family that won the Transport Innovation Award in 2022. Dr. Gergely Suba and Tamás Pecsérke received a recognition certificate at the expanded annual National Board Meeting of the Transport Science Association on February 9 at the D50 Cultural Hotel, handed over by , Dr. János Fónagy, President of KTE, and Dr. Alex Bozóky, CEO of the National Toll Payment Services Ltd.


Prolan Santa Claus surprised the children

Prolan Santa Claus surprised the children in the main hall of the Kós Károly House of Culture, where they received their Santa packages with a message for them.


Family Friendly Company of the Year Award presented for the tenth time

The "Family Friendly Company of the Year" Awards have been ceremoniously presented at the Family Friendly Company Gala since 2015. The aim of the event on one hand is to celebrate and show publicly the responsibility, innovative ideas and commitment of companies operating in Hungary towards their employees, as well as the physical and mental health of the people and families.


Prolan Zrt.'s rail development, the PRORIS product family, received this year's Transport Innovation Award

The Transport Innovation Award, a top accolade for the transport industry in Hungary, was presented for the fourth time. The prize was awarded by a panel of independent experts to Dr. Gergely Suba and Tamás Pecsérke, the heads of our company's development department, for the development and introduction of the PRORIS product range, designed to guarantee the safety of railway lines.


Pioneering product development for railway safety

190 engineering years of development have reached their goal today, explained Márton Feldmann, Director of Railway Automation at the Hungarian, Prolan Process Control Co., when he presented the safety certification of the PRORIS-H railway safety device to a wide professionals today.
