Prolan ECLIPSE Smart City in Szank

Using state-of-the art equipment developed by Prolan Co. The first SMART CITY system in Hungary was implemented in the municipality of Szank, in Bács-Kiskun county.


10-year FNN Grid

Our company has been a member of the German VDE|FNN organization for several years, which plays a decisive role in the regulation of the energy industry by conceiving specifications and standards.


49th Public Lighting Conference

This year the Lighting Technology Association held the annual Public Lighting Conference in Mórahalom. The ECLIPSE SMART CITY system of Prolan CO. was brought to the spotlight.


Success of Prolan Steuerbox in german press

Prolan’s Steuerbox is the first in Germany that passed the IEC 61850 test successfully.
We have started to develop our own Steuerbox in line with strickt German requirements.


64th yearly Gathering of MEE

We present our latest developments traditionally on our booth at 64th yearly Gathering of MEE, the central event of the electricity industry in Hungary.


SolarTree of Prolan at Costruma exhibition

It also offers charging point for electric vehicles.
