PROLAN präsentiert auch in diesem Jahr seine Entwicklungen auf der E-world-Messe

Das Energiemanagement-Vertriebsteam der PROLAN Zrt. nimmt vom 11. bis 13. Februar erneut an Deutschlands größter Fachmesse der Energiebranche, der E-world in Essen, teil. 


Prolan Steuerbox erhält BSI TR-03109-5 Zertifikat

Wir freuen uns hiermit bekannt zu geben, dass unsere Prolan Steuerbox offiziell nach BSI TR-03109-5 des BSI zertifiziert wurde.


Achievements, challenges and shared successes

2024 has been another successful and fruitful year for Prolan Irányítástechnikai Zrt., and we are grateful for the loyalty of our customers, the cooperation of our subcontractors and the commitment of our employees.


Within the leading Hungarian businesses

We are proud to announce that this year Prolan Zrt. was selected to be included in the Budapest Stock Exchange's prestigious BÉT50 publication, that presents the success stories of fifty outstanding Hungarian companies. This award is not only a recognition of our economic success, but also provides inspiration for domestic businesses.


Sixth ProlanFest festival

It was the 6th time Prolan organised ProlanFest, a professional open day attracting young professionals and university students.


Innovation and expertise at the 70th MEE Congress

Prolan Zrt. and Prolan Innolab participated the 70th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association (MEE) jointly. 
