Sixth ProlanFest festival


It was the 6th time Prolan organised ProlanFest, a professional open day attracting young professionals and university students.

Held at our Budakalász site, visitors were provided with exciting presentations focusing on innovations in railway systems and energy management:

  1. Interlocking systems (ELPULT)
  2. Prolan energy meter gateway (PEMG)
  3. Smart box for smart metering systems (STEUERBOX)

Following the presentations, visitors were invited to informal discussions with our colleagues, whilst offered a light dinner.

Feedback from participants was extremely positive, describing the event as "professional", "open", "innovative", "exciting", "interesting", "dynamic", "organised" and "cosy".

The presentations were well received and the discussions over dinner contributed to the pleasant atmosphere.

Thank you to all attendants and hope to see you again at next year’s ProlanFest!