Prolan's activities are recognized internationally

Prolan Zrt. was awarded with the "UNIFE SME Award" at the 14th InnoTrans international transport technology exhibition in Berlin.

This was the first time, the European Rail Supply Industry (UNIFE) has launched a competition for small and medium-sized enterprises in the categories innovation and social responsibility. The association, whose members account for 84% of the European market and 46% of the global rail market, found Prolan's entry to be the best, and Márton Feldmann, Deputy CEO and Director of the Rail Automation Business Unit, received the award from Ennio Wiebe, Managing Director, and Roger Dirksmeier, Member of the Board. Prolan has played an outstanding role in promoting railway culture, in the career guidance of young engineers and trainees, in supporting disadvantaged people and institutions in the region, in health solidarity and in environmental awareness, while upholding and building on the values of its founders.

In his speech at the award ceremony at the exhibition of the world's leading railway technologies, Márton Feldmann emphasised that the award was a tribute to the initiative and sacrifice of his staff, the family atmosphere created by the founders and their love of the profession. As a medium-sized company, they pay special attention to the fact that all employees know and become part of the value creation that ensures the success of their solutions and the satisfaction of their customers. Knowledge of the operating environment and the ability to adapt enable them to enhance the customer experience with tailor-made, specific solutions and to provide adaptive responses to the gaps, problems and needs identified in the region in the context of social responsibility.

Prolan Zrt. employs 178 people at its headquarters in Budakalász, Hungary, and its main proprietary products are centralised traffic management and control systems (CTCS), hybrid electronic signalling, railway energy monitoring and control solutions, and on-board systems and energy management devices, which are used on more than a quarter of the Hungarian railway network, as well as in Bulgaria and Turkey and by German Railways. The company has been a member of UNIFE since 2018 and is exhibiting for the sixth time at InnoTrans, which will take place from 24 to 27 September 2024.
